
Monday, June 28, 2010


After Montana we headed down to visit the hubby's grandparents in Wyoming and cut across through Yellowstone. Although we got stuck at 2 exits trying to get out, we loved seeing what we could on the short trip through!

The first picture is of the scenery outside of our hotel room and the second is of Yellowstone Lake (where we enjoyed ourselves skipping rocks!)

Here is the sleeping buffalo that decided to make an appearance before we even entered the park! He and his friend were just sleeping near the gates!

The "hot spots" in the park

More buffalo/bison lounging around! There weren't too many near the road, but the ones we could see were shedding their fur!

These ones were right next to the car! I had to stand outside of our sunroof to get the one with the baby!

I loved how bright blue the water was at the "paint pots" Do you see the big splash in the second picture?

Old Faithful... almost... almost... hurray!

Finally on the move (after sitting in traffic for hours!)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


My hubby and I just took a trip through Montana and Wyoming and of course took a few pictures along the way! I was able to take a few pictures of my sister's family while we were there, too!
Grandparent Love:
A picture of the whole clan:

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

E&J Reception

I didn't take many pictures at the reception, but here are a few I captured